Several artists got a passion for moltenglass. After Henri Cros (1840-1907) art deco pioneers such as François Decorchement and Gabriel Argy–Rousseau become expert in this technique.
In France, when François Decorchemont died in 1971, with their grandfather’s archives Antoine Leperlier and Etienne Leperlier try to adapt the ancient technique through modern proceedings.

For early 30 years, Antoine Leperlier has moulded ideas and Etienne Leperlier has moulded fingerprints, their perfect mastery of the material would give these two brothers  the opportunty to honour and set the history of Molten glass in France.

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Technique of Molten glass implies a secret method, research on a permanent basis on the secrets of the material and each artist experiments his own technique.
Molten glass is a proceeding of cold-shaping crushed or ground glass sometimes clustered in paste by means of a binder set in moulds made of refratory material and baked ayain at about 800°.
The cast glass mixed to sticky elements can be directly poured into wide open moulds according to a stamping proceeding.